
Some useful links, documents, and files that might be interesting to share.

iCloud Calendar subscription

Apple iCloud Calendar serves as an important tool in both my work and life. Below are several useful public calendars I’m maintaining that might be of interest:

AKB48: Theartre performances and concerts of AKB48.
HKT48: Theartre performances and concerts of HKT48.

Subscriptions (by simply clicking the calendar names above) are highly welcome. Calendars are usually updated on every Friday afternoon (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2:00).

AKB lyrics

I will continously upload timestamped AKB48 lyrics after I made such videos. They are shared on my Google Drive (click to open). The idea is to save you the labour of timestamping and maybe contribute some Chinese translations as well. Please take notice of the following notes:

  • I share .ass files where my personal style has been integrated. Feel free to use them if you like, otherwise also feel free to change to your own style. In the future, I plan to share only .srt files without any format information, and release stantard formatting templates seperately.

  • My timestamps are completely free for use. There’s no need to acknowledge me in any form if you use only my timestamps in your work. A feature of my timestamping (it’s a recommendation as well) is that lyrics are set to offset audio by -0.5 s, thus they are easy to follow when you sing along. Use the time-shifting tool provided in your subtitle editting software to shift all lyrics at the same time, then there’s normally no need to adjust for each sentence respectively.

  • All my original creations are shared under CC BY-NC 4.0 license (see creative commons website for more information). Bascially, that means you can use my work freely, without contacting me first, for non-commercial purposes. Just make sure to credit me (mention my name) at the same time.

  • Chinese translations by other people are not included in my shares due to copyright reasons. Please refer to their individual sources for authorization and conditions of sharing.

  • I can share some lyrics libraries that may be of interest. Original Japanese lyrics and English translations can be found on STUDIO48. Team8的日常 shares translations for Team 8 lyrics (『サヨナラじゃない』 not included). 麻里熊 shares a complete library of all AKB48, sister groups, and even Nogizaka46’s singles, albums, and theatre stages, before the end of 2017. 夏本健 is constantly making high quality translations, rhyming and suitable for singing. Some of his old productions can also be found on Youtube.

My personal workflow for video editting

I am kind of experienced in video editting. Started in 2017, I was using Adobe Premiere Pro as my university provided free license for students.

However, after graduation, Adobe softwares were no longer available for free. Then I switched to open-sourced kdenlive in 2021. I’m always in favor of free and especially open-source softwares, but I was not quite accustomed to kdenlive actually. Therefore after I saw a recommendation from Mediastorm, I immediately started with DaVinci Resolve. The free version of DaVinci Resolve already offers more than enough functions for me. So I believe I will continue using it for a long time.

I edit subtitles with Aegisub, and export videos with hard-coded subtitles using ArcTime Pro.

I use (at least starting from the beginning of 2023) open-sourced fonts Noto for my subtitles.

I’ve been seeing and collecting interesting (and sometimes weird) things online from time to time. Why don’t we share them and find if something is suprisingly helpful!

  • Graphic, video and game

    • ezgif: Online gif editting tool (crop, change speed, resize,…). Helpful if you want to make a gif out of an idol stage performance or a football game…
    • Minesweeper Online: Play the famous Minesweeper game online, challenge yourself with a full-screen super-large minefield!
    • Sokyokuban: A push box game on a curved surface. Japanese people are really creative in inventing these weird games.
    • Collection of colors in Chinese traditional culture. So every color has a Chinese color…
    • flaticon: Collection of vector icons and stickers for free.
  • Language

    • AZRhymes: Rhyming dictionary for Chinese.
  • AI, computer science and science

    • Palette: AI-colorize your black-and-white photo.
    • cloudconvert: Convert your file between various formats - images, audios, videos, documents, presentations, …
    • Markdown documentation in Chinese: Just… Markdown documentation in Chinese, very helpful if you want to learn Markdown.
    • Alternatives to Adobe Softwares: A list of alternatives (many are free) to expensive Adobe softwares from ETH Zürich. There used to be a similar list from EPFL with more information, but it seems to have been removed at least a year ago.
    • AudioStrip: Isolate human vocal from music, online, and for free.
  • Railway and public transportations

    • Open Railway Map: A detailed map of railways (including metros and trams). Super-riched information, I love it!
    • China Railway Map: China railway map, not so comprehensive as Open Railway Map.