推し of mine

推し, in Japanese, is used to descibe “someone you like so much that you want to recommend them to others”. I list here my favorite idols: those I like the most, as well as those I possess only a minor positive feeling.

This is only a casual introduction of whom I’m fond of and nothing serious! As what the word itself suggests, I would encourage you to become a fan of my 推しs as well : )

  • Major 推し:

    • AKB48 Team SH 桂楚楚,AKB48 Team 8 髙橋彩音
  • Other 推し:

    • AKB48 Team 8: 倉野尾成美
    • AKB48 Team A/K/B/4: 山内瑞葵
    • HKT48: 生野莉奈,江口心々華,渋井美奈
  • Other members I like:

    • AKB48 Team 8: 小栗有以,徳永羚海
    • AKB48 Team A/K/B/4: 平田侑希,山口結愛
    • HKT48: 井澤美優,大庭凜咲,江浦優香,龍頭綺音
  • Other members I have some positive feelings:

    • AKB48 Team 8: 坂川陽香,橋本陽菜,永野芹佳
    • AKB48 Team A/K/B/4/研: 千葉恵里,橋本恵理子,田口愛佳
    • HKT48: 地頭江音々,森﨑冴彩,石橋颯,竹本くるみ,松岡はな,市村愛里,梁瀬鈴雅 (Almost everyone in the group! )
    • Nogizaka46: 冨里奈央
  • Members I like, but graduated (sad but best wishes to them):

    • AKB48 Team 8: 濵咲友菜,坂口渚沙,吉川七瀬,本田仁美,小田えりな
    • AKB48 Team A/K/B/4: 渡辺麻友
    • HKT48: 宮脇咲良,水上凜巳花,矢吹奈子,運上弘菜,田中美久

Top 10 playlist in last month (2024.07):

  1. 星が消えないうちに
  2. そういうことFebruary
  3. 7時12分の初恋
  4. カラコンウインク
  5. ビーサンはなぜなくなるのか?
  6. 何度も狙え!
  7. 虹の列車
  8. 100年先でも
  9. ロマンスかくれんぼ
  10. 君とどこかへ行きたい